Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children, and walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
Ephesians 5:1-2, NRSV
Each fall we hold our Stewardship Campaign, a time to reflect on how our we can support the mission and ministries of our parish through making a financial pledge. We encourage you to prayerfully consider making a pledge this year.
How to submit your 2025 Pledge:
Complete & return a Pledge Card
Pledge cards were sent by mail to all active membership households. Extra pledge cards can be found on the reception counter in the Front Hall.
Pledge Cards can be returned by mail or placed in the offering plate during worship on the following in-gathering Sundays: October 20, 27 and November 3.
Submit a Virtual Pledge Card
Instead of returning a paper pledge card, you can fill one out online. Scroll further down the page to fill out the form. The virtual pledge card also allows users to set up recurring payments if they wish to fulfill their pledge digitally.
Digital payment options for recurring gifts include Credit Card, Debit Card, ACH, Google Pay, and PayPal. Apple Pay is available for one-time gifts.