Altar Guild: The Altar Guild sets up for weekly Eucharist and special services, as needed. They change the altar frontals seasonally and for any special services (wedding, funerals, etc.) New guild members and welcomed and encouraged! No experience necessary. Please contact Lisa Loftin if you have questions or are interested in joining Altar Guild.

Eucharistic Ministers:  Eucharistic Ministers serve at the altar by assisting the clergy during the administration of the Eucharist. Licensing is by the diocese after a training session at Christ Church. If you’re interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister, contact Maureen Boyles

Ushers: Ushers servce an important role on Sunday, as they help to greet visitors and returning members, hand out service bulletins, and assist in the smooth progress of the liturgy. They are also available to assist with special needs that may arise. To participate contact Terry Murray.

Lectors:  Lectors participate in the services of the church by reading passages from Scripture and leading the Prayers of the People. Special licensing is not required. Contact Maureen Boyles if you’re interested in joining the Lector rotation.

Order of St. Luke:  The ministry of the laying on of hands takes place on the 2nd Sunday of every month. Laying-on-of-hands is also offered at the Wednesday 12:10 service. Members are always available on the other Sundays after the services. Contact Maureen Boyles for more information.

Worship Leader: Worship Leaders plan and conduct non-sacramental services. For example,  Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer. Training to become a Worship Leader can be completed through the Diocese of Southern Ohio. Please contact the Rector if you would like to learn more about becoming a Worship Leader.

Worship Committee: The Worship Committee assists and supports the Rector with worship service planning throughout the year, meeting quarterly via Zoom. This small group works diligently to bring meaningful worship experiences to our parish and community at large. They invite anyone who is curious and interested in planning our liturgy to join the committee. Please contact the Rector if you’d like to learn more about serving on the Worship Committee.

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