2025 Stewardship Campaign — “Walk In Love”

2025 Stewardship Campaign — “Walk In Love”

2025 Stewardship Campaign — “Walk In Love” 1080 1080 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Each fall we hold our Stewardship Campaign, a time to reflect on how our we can support the mission and ministries of our parish through making a financial pledge.

We encourage you to prayerfully consider making a pledge this year.  Pledge cards can be found on the reception counter in the Front Hall, and may be returned by mail or placed in the offering plate during worship on the following in-gathering Sundays: October 20, 27 and November 3.
You can fill out a virtual pledge card below.

Follow along as we explore our theme, “Walk In Love” through weekly reflections from folks across the Episcopal Church. Click Here to read the this week’s reflection

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