Reinvigorating Christ Episcopal Church, Dayton
The ministry of RenewalWorks provides an opportunity to get a clearer picture of where we are today, and it provides an opportunity to reinvigorate the church and our own spiritual lives with a renewed focus on discipleship just like the first disciples who grew the church.
We’re looking to grow in loving God, and loving our neighbors as ourselves.

Our Commitment to RenewalWorks
What is RenewalWorks?
What We're Learning: Infographic
Step by Step: The Process
Take the Spiritual Life Inventory
Our Commitment to RenewalWorks
Our Commitment to RenewalWorks
Dear Friends,
What brings you to church? What brings you life, energy, and joy? It probably is not keeping up the church grounds, or keeping to the schedule of Sunday assistants, or carefully combing through the church finances! These are all functions of church life together, not its primary role. At its heart, we seek a deeper relationship with God. We look for a “quickening of the Spirit”. We desire experiences where we recognize Divine action, and care, in our lives. This year, as part of our Jubilee celebration of 150 years in our current building, the Vestry is committed to keeping our spiritual lives at the center of our reflections on who we have been, who we are, and who we hope to become. This program, Renewal Works, is a way of gathering good data about the spiritual health of our community, and then crafting meaningful responses for our continuing journey with the Spirit. On their behalf, and my own, I invite you to join us. To take the Spiritual Inventory. To participate in the conversations about what the results tell us. And then to look, together, toward an invigorated, faith-centric vision of what might come next. May it always be so for the People of God.
What We're Learning: Infographic

Step by Step: The Process
Step 1: Spiritual Life Inventory Launch
The process begins with an anonymous, confidential, online survey called the Spiritual Life Inventory, (SLI), which all parishioners are invited and encouraged to complete.
Our SLI survey opens on January 26, 2025.
SLI provides an insight to our behaviors and attitudes.
Our congregation’s responses are viewed as a group and benchmarked against data gathered from more than 1,800 churches for over a decade
Step 2: Workshops with the Christ Church RenewalWorks Team
Workshop 1: Where have we been?
held in late February
Workshop 2: Where are we now?
held in early March
Workshop 3: Where do we feel called to go?
held in late March
Workshop 4: How do we get there?
held in early April
Our Team will examine our Spiritual Life Index findings and in the course of four two-hour workshops develop a plan for the future.
Our Team members include: Greg Cleary, Margaret Clinch, Peter Homeyer, Bruce Huntsbarger, Terry Huysman, Tom Ioanes, Gary Kuziensky, Terry Murray, Suniti Nelson, Greg Sammons, Emily Sexton-Joyce
Step 3: Report to the Parish
The plan developed by the Christ Church RenewalWorks team will be presented to the Vestry, and a full report will be made to the congregation on Sunday, May 25.
We are eager to take our next faithful steps with you.
Take the Spiritual Life Inventory
Click Here to complete the Spiritual Life Inventory through RenewalWorks.
The survey will only take about 20-30 minutes, and is completely anonymous. Be advised – once the survey begins you cannot save and return to it later, if you exit out you’ll have to begin again.
The SLI is open January 26-February 16. It is also available in paper format at the church.