“Barbie” Movie Night & Carry-In Chili Dinner, October 19

“Barbie” Movie Night & Carry-In Chili Dinner, October 19

“Barbie” Movie Night & Carry-In Chili Dinner, October 19 1200 630 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Join us for a night of fun and fellowship as we watch this summer’s blockbuster movie, Barbie. Parishioners are invited to cook up a pot of their favorite chili recipe and bring it to share! Dinner begins at 6pm, movie at 6:15pm.

While this evening gathering will certainly foster fun and fellowship, the Barbie movie offers an invitation to explore the themes of identity, gender roles, societal norms, and the importance of authenticity.

We hope to see you there, feel free to bring a friend!


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