“Centered” Circles hosted by DSO Becoming Beloved Community

“Centered” Circles hosted by DSO Becoming Beloved Community

“Centered” Circles hosted by DSO Becoming Beloved Community 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Centered is a discipleship series guiding small, gathered communities to get deeply rooted in love with God and one another, so that we grow to look, act, and love more like Jesus. We will gather to spend time together in prayer; explore a short film and questions about God, belonging and living a meaningful life; and support each other in committing to intentionally center their lives on Jesus and his Way of Love. Sign up here.


Tuesdays with Miriam McKenney 7-8:30pm 9/20-11/15

Fridays with Amy Howton 10-11:30am 9/30-12/2

Zoom link provided upon completion of this registration form.

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