Holy Week 2022 Worship Schedule

Holy Week 2022 Worship Schedule

Holy Week 2022 Worship Schedule 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Palm Sunday, April 10
*One Service Only*
10:30AM | Holy Eucharist Rite II with Music and Dramatic Passion Narrative
Christ Episcopal Church, Live-Streamed

Maundy Thursday, April 14
7:00PM | Holy Communion and Healing Prayers
First Baptist Church, Dayton

Good Friday Stations of the Cross: Walk for Justice & Peace, April 15
11:45AM | Christ Church Members Gather and Depart
Christ Episcopal Church
12:00PM | Good Friday Walk Begins
Courthouse Square, Downtown Dayton

Good Friday, April 15
7:00PM | Good Friday Liturgy with Passion Gospel Reading
Christ Episcopal Church, Live-Streamed

Easter Sunday, April 17
8:00AM | Quiet Holy Eucharist Rite II
9:00AM | Carry-In Breakfast
10:30AM | Festival Holy Eucharist II with Easter Brass
Christ Episcopal Church, Live-Streamed

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