Did you know a ministry team from Christ Church serves lunch monthly at the St. Vincent de Paul shelter downtown? Our Take, Eat ministry serves on the first Saturday of the month. This month we were busy serving sixty-four neighbors in the families group and seventy-five neighbors in the singles & couples group.
New volunteers are always welcome; if you’re interested in serving with Take, Eat please contact ministry leader Gary Kuziensky at gkuziensky@nullgmail.com
Next Serving Date: October 5
Read below for Gary’s reflection on their September 7 serving day.
We were to have three servers today, Karla, Linda, and myself. But then Anne saw we needed help and she volunteered. On the way down 75 today, Linda got stuck in a traffic jam that lasted at least an hour and a half – down to three servers again. When I arrived at the shelter, I was greeted by Anne & Dick. Dick is ushering this afternoon at the Ohio State game, but he felt called to come and help us too. Back up to four servers. Then just before we started serving, we got a new volunteer, Scott who is a senior at UD – plugged him into the serving line serving potato salad – five servers! And we were busy – sixty-four in the families group and seventy-five in the singles and couples group – lots of seconds and requests for more watermelon…..
“It is almost too simple to wrap our heads around the fact that the way to eternal life is to believe in the One who was sent. We are fed, sheltered, and healed by the Son of Man. We, the believers, perform these miracles every day. We fill the food pantry shelves. We support and volunteer at shelters. We visit the sick and advocate for affordable healthcare. When we can assist in lifting life’s burdens for others, we share in the food that endures.”
Thompson, Richelle; Meador, Chrys; Thomas, Colleen; Yoo, Joseph. Forward Day by Day: August, September, October 2024 (p. 39). Forward Movement. Kindle Edition.