Christian Education

“Heart Health & You” + Blood Pressure Screenings

“Heart Health & You” + Blood Pressure Screenings 534 401 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

“Heart Health & You” 9am in the Parish Hall This Adult Forum will formally introduce the resumption of our Parish Health Ministry and monthly blood pressure checks. Education related to…

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Vote Faithfully: Election Engagement Toolkit 2024

Vote Faithfully: Election Engagement Toolkit 2024 790 850 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Resources below are sourced from The Episcopal Church’s Office of Government Relations, you can view the Vote Faithfully: Election Engagement Toolkit 2024 in its entirety by clicking here.   HELP…

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“Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace” Adult Forum begins October 6

“Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace” Adult Forum begins October 6 751 751 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Adult Forum is held at 9am on Sundays in the Parish Hall. We’re diving into best practices for participating in civil discourse and equipping ourselves to build and maintain relationships…

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“For the Beauty of the Earth” Adult Forums

“For the Beauty of the Earth” Adult Forums 940 788 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

This three-week Adult Forum series highlights ways members help care for our planet! Adult Forum is held at 9am on Sundays in the Parish Hall. Today’s session is led by…

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Spark Programs “Amazon Wishlist”

Spark Programs “Amazon Wishlist” 1080 1280 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Our Spark Family Programs kick-off on September 15, and we could use your help stocking our classrooms. Check out our Amazon Wishlist for most-needed items. Items purchased will be mailed…

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Program Year Begins Sunday – September 15

Program Year Begins Sunday – September 15 940 788 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

We can’t wait to celebrate the start of the program year with you! At 10:30 worship, we’ll joyfully welcome Johanna Plandowski into our family through Baptism, with a coffee hour to…

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“Desert Stories” Summer Children’s Chapel

“Desert Stories” Summer Children’s Chapel 1545 908 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Grown-Up “Choose Your Own Adventure” Summer Camp at Procter

Grown-Up “Choose Your Own Adventure” Summer Camp at Procter 1019 629 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Click here to learn more or register for Grown Up Camp

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Beloved Community Book Club begins June 4

Beloved Community Book Club begins June 4 1025 553 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Beginning on June 4, Libbie Crawford, Lisa Hughes, Kim Nelson and Miriam McKenney will lead a Zoom gathering on the first Tuesday of the month from 7 to 8 p.m.…

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Love. Always. Episcopal Revival June 22

Love. Always. Episcopal Revival June 22 1200 514 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

The Love. Always. Episcopal Revival will be held on Saturday, June 22 from 7 to 9 p.m., at the KFC Yum! Center in Louisville, Kentucky. The event will be an opportunity to gather with thousands of…

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Pentecost Sunday & End of Program Year Celebration—May 19

Pentecost Sunday & End of Program Year Celebration—May 19 937 527 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Next week we’ll be celebrating the close of the program year with a morning full of fun worship and fellowship. Spirit of God, fill our hearts! Worship at 10:30 service…

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Affirming Congregations Discussion – May 13

Affirming Congregations Discussion – May 13 1294 1294 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

In the Episcopal Church, we say that all are welcome, but what does it actually mean to be an affirming congregation? Join folks from around the Diocese on Monday, May…

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Small Foyer Groups Coming!

Small Foyer Groups Coming! 940 788 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

There are no strangers here – only friends we haven’t yet met! Beginning this autumn, enjoy an occasional meal, good conversations with fellow parishioners, and a small group setting. If…

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Book Launch for Esther Brownsmith’s “Gendered Violence in Biblical Narrative: The Devouring Metaphor”

Book Launch for Esther Brownsmith’s “Gendered Violence in Biblical Narrative: The Devouring Metaphor” 2118 2070 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Christ Church parishioner, Esther Brownsmith’s, new book Gendered Violence in Biblical Narrative: The Devouring Metaphor will be celebrated with a Book Launch event on Wednesday, April 17 at 4:30 pm,…

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Spark Picnic this Sunday!

Spark Picnic this Sunday! 1080 1080 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

You’re invited to our spring Spark Family Outing at Hills and Dales Metropark this Sunday, 4/14 after church! We’ll meet at the White Oak Camp entrance (playground side of the…

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Upcoming Adult Forums

Upcoming Adult Forums 800 800 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Adult Forum is held at 9am on Sundays in the Parish Hall March 24 No Adult Forum, Palm Sunday March 31 No Adult Forum, Easter Sunday April 7 Michael Knote,…

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Register for Summer Camp!

Register for Summer Camp! 960 640 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Scan code below, or click here

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Living Into Our Faith: An Inquirer’s Class

Living Into Our Faith: An Inquirer’s Class 1080 1080 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Are you a longtime Episcopalian who feels the desire to Reaffirm your faith? Were you confirmed in another faith tradition, and find you’d like to be Received into the spiritual…

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DSO Creation Care and Environmental Justice Author Book Talk

DSO Creation Care and Environmental Justice Author Book Talk 1080 1080 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

On Thursday, February 29 from 7 to 8 p.m., the Creation Care and Environmental Justice Commission will host author and climate activist, Heather McTeer Toney, as she talks about her new…

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Sacred Ground: Diocesan circle begins Jan 29

Sacred Ground: Diocesan circle begins Jan 29 1600 800 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Sacred Ground is a film-and readings-based dialogue series on race, grounded in faith. Small groups are invited to walk through chapters of America’s history of race and racism, while weaving…

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Announcing our Wednesday Evening Lenten Series

Announcing our Wednesday Evening Lenten Series 1080 1080 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

“Scripture’s Spectrum: Queer, Trans, and Non-Binary Bible Readings” The stories of the Bible capture humanity’s quest to understand ourselves and our relationship with God. This makes it vitally important to…

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Chalked Door Photo Gallery

Chalked Door Photo Gallery 940 788 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Did you chalk your door for Epiphany? Take a photo and email it to Jen at to be included in our chalked door photo gallery on the bulletin board…

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Beloved Community Circles Return Jan 30

Beloved Community Circles Return Jan 30 600 503 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Weekly online gatherings of Beloved Community Circles will return beginning January 30. Participants will share in scripture, prayer, stories and good news about how to follow Jesus every day. The…

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New Adult Forum: “Loving our Neighbors as Ourselves: Practical Public Health for Christ Church”

New Adult Forum: “Loving our Neighbors as Ourselves: Practical Public Health for Christ Church” 959 540 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Sunday, February 4 at 9am Join Sophia Fisher, MPH in exploring what we can do to care for ourselves and our communities through public health.  We will cover some theological…

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“A Case for Love” movie premiere

“A Case for Love” movie premiere 500 336 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

A Case for Love, a feature-length documentary inspired by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s message of love will premiere in theaters nationwide on Tuesday, January 23. The film, which includes interviews with Curry…

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Christ Church Hosts “The Philadelphia Eleven” Movie Screening

Christ Church Hosts “The Philadelphia Eleven” Movie Screening 940 788 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Saturday, February 10 at 1pm, Free & Open to the Public Screening held in the Eichelberger Forum at the Dayton Metro Library Main Branch 215 E 3rd St, Dayton, OH…

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New Adult Forum “Our Story: Women’s Call to Ordination”

New Adult Forum “Our Story: Women’s Call to Ordination” 1080 1080 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Christ Church women called to ordained ministry return to tell their own stories at this Adult Forum series, January 7-28 at 9am in the Parish Hall. Join us as we…

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Upcoming Creation Care Webinars

Upcoming Creation Care Webinars 1104 566 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Deep Green Faith offers two webinars in January: Why and How Older People of Faith are Called to Engage in the Climate Crisis Thursday, January 11 7:30 p.m. ET What…

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Province V Prayer Service for National Human Trafficking Prevention

Province V Prayer Service for National Human Trafficking Prevention 940 788 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Province V will hold a prayer service marking National Human Trafficking Prevention month on January 11 from 7 to 8 p.m. on Zoom. Please wear blue in solidarity. Register here.…

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2024 Summer Camp Schedule Announced

2024 Summer Camp Schedule Announced 1545 2000 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Click here for more info

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Epiphany Family Retreat at Procter Center

Epiphany Family Retreat at Procter Center 1080 1080 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

From January 5 to 7, Procter Center will host an intergenerational Epiphany Family Retreat that will include crafts and games, kids’ activities, workshops and worship, and more. Participants can come…

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“Our Journey to Understanding” Series by Living Beatitudes Community

“Our Journey to Understanding” Series by Living Beatitudes Community 1161 758 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Our friends at Living Beatitudes, a fellow worship community at Christ Church, are hosting new sessions in their highly-attended series “Our Journey to Understanding” this winter! The topics are fabulous,…

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All-Parish Advent Event

All-Parish Advent Event 800 661 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Please join us for the first annual all-parish Advent Event on Sunday morning, December 3rd from 9:00-10:15 am in the Parish Hall. Make an Advent Wreath, decorate Jesse Tree ornaments,…

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Spark Family Outing: Bowling Party!

Spark Family Outing: Bowling Party! 1080 1080 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Everyone is invited to join us on Sunday, November 19 for an afternoon of fun and fellowship at Poelking Lanes on Wilmington Pike. Pack a lunch to eat during coffee…

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Upcoming November Adult Forums

Upcoming November Adult Forums 1080 1080 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Adult Forum is held on Sundays at 9am in the Parish Hall or Parlor. Children’s formation and nursery care run concurrently on the second floor. This hour-long time of formation…

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New Adult Forum Series: “Using Picture Books for Racial Healing, ” Oct 8-29

New Adult Forum Series: “Using Picture Books for Racial Healing, ” Oct 8-29 1080 1080 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

This series is based in the work of Dismantling Racism by using picture books. Picture books offer a way to discover, discuss, and share your stories about topics you probably…

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Spark Family Outing, October 15: Pumpkin Patch Hayride at Fulton Farms

Spark Family Outing, October 15: Pumpkin Patch Hayride at Fulton Farms 1080 1080 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Spark Family Outing, October 15: Pumpkin Patch Hayride at Fulton Farms $9/pp includes the hayride, activities, and a pumpkin to take home! Pack a lunch to eat during coffee hour…

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Using Picture Books for Racial Healing: Dismantling Racism Trainings

Using Picture Books for Racial Healing: Dismantling Racism Trainings 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Registration is now open for Dismantling Racism training sessions in August, September, October, and November. Miriam McKenney leads the trainings, which take place on Zoom. August (1, 2, 3, 8,…

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Procter to host Farm to Forest Retreat

Procter to host Farm to Forest Retreat 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Procter will mark the Season of Creation by hosting a weekend Farm to Forest Retreat from September 22 to 24. Participants will spend the weekend learning more about techniques of growing crops and managing the land…

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Spark Family Programs seeking Volunteers!

Spark Family Programs seeking Volunteers! 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Interested in working children and youth? Spark Family Programs is looking for Nursery Caregivers, Sunday School Teachers, Youth Group Leaders, and Godly Play storytellers. Would you rather support the programs…

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New Spark Family Programming Coming This Fall!

New Spark Family Programming Coming This Fall! 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Nursery Care, Sunday School, Youth Group, and Children’s Chapel, beginning September 24th! Upstairs in the new Education Wing, beginning 9/24 9 am-Noon: Nursery Care for infants and toddlers in Room…

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Diocesan Dads Virtual Group

Diocesan Dads Virtual Group 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Dads are invited to join a Facebook group hosted by Director of Children, Youth, and Young Adult Ministry Adam Hayden to provide a place to connect, reflect and find support…

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Using Picture Books for Racial Healing: A Dismantling Racism certification course

Using Picture Books for Racial Healing: A Dismantling Racism certification course 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Picture books offer an excellent way to discover, discuss, and share stories about topics that many people did not study in school but that are crucial to the work of…

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“What is the Camino?” Adult Forum—May 7

“What is the Camino?” Adult Forum—May 7 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Curious to learn more about what our Camino pilgrims will be experiencing and where they will be traveling? Join us for a presentation on the Camino by Rev. Homeyer on Sunday,…

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Spark 2nd Sunday: April 16

Spark 2nd Sunday: April 16 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Happy Easter! Join us for an Easter Celebration Spark Second Sunday! We are going to learn about the resurrection, and how to celebrate this new life everyday. Plus, it’s Flowering…

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Reel Theology Series: April 19-May 10

Reel Theology Series: April 19-May 10 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

The Silver Screen has hosted some of our favorite stories, with quests, adventure, and wonder! Stories that teach us, invite us to grow our worldview, and to maybe ask questions.…

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Estate & Funeral Planning – March 26

Estate & Funeral Planning – March 26 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Are you prepared for the inevitable? Join attorney John Cloud and Rev. Peter on March 26 from 9 to 10 am in the Parish Hall where basic information on preparing…

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Learn about the Camino de Santiago! 

Learn about the Camino de Santiago!  150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

  Join us as we hear more about what lies ahead for our pilgrims on the Walk of St. James across northern Spain! Cassie Brissette, who walked the full Camino…

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Deep Green Faith

Deep Green Faith 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

The Faith and Life Committee and the Creation Care and Environmental Justice Commission recommend Deep Green Faith, a five-week online course for clergy and lay leaders. Participants will explore ways to…

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Women of the Word, Unit 4 “Praying the Psalms”

Women of the Word, Unit 4 “Praying the Psalms” 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Join us Sunday mornings, February 12-26 at 9am for an Adult Forum that compares and contrasts the psalms used in our lectionary by The Rev. Dr. Gafney. Come as you…

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My Work To Do kicks off January/February Zoom Gatherings

My Work To Do kicks off January/February Zoom Gatherings 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

My Work To Do is an online affinity group designed to help white people build stamina for discussing racism, systemic injustice, racial healing, reconciliation, and justice in their everyday lives.…

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The Rev. Mike Kreutzer facilitates Stories of New Life: The Sunday Gospel Readings for Lent and Easter 2023

The Rev. Mike Kreutzer facilitates Stories of New Life: The Sunday Gospel Readings for Lent and Easter 2023 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Registration closes January 23,  click here to register University of Dayton Osher Lifelong Learning Institute 6 Tuesdays, January 17-February 21 9:30-11:30 a..m., Daniel J. Curran Place The Gospel stories that…

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Civil Rights Pilgrimage May 31 – June 7

Civil Rights Pilgrimage May 31 – June 7 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

The Diocese of Southern Ohio will sponsor an intergenerational Civil Rights Pilgrimage traveling to Atlanta, Selma, Montgomery, Chattanooga, and more from May 31 to June 7. The cost of the…

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“Reimagining: Joy as a Form of Resistance” Jan 17 at UD

“Reimagining: Joy as a Form of Resistance” Jan 17 at UD 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

The Very Reverend Canon Kelly Brown Douglas, dean of the Episcopal Divinity School at Union Theological Seminary and canon theologian at Washington National Cathedral , will speak as part of…

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Living Into Our Faith: An Inquirer’s Class

Living Into Our Faith: An Inquirer’s Class 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Are you interested in joining the Episcopal Church? The class will explore our own faith journeys and what it means to live as  Christians through the Episcopal tradition. Those attending…

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1/15 Spark 2nd Sunday Gathering

1/15 Spark 2nd Sunday Gathering 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

  Families of all kinds are invited to join us on Sunday, January 15 at 12pm for a Movie Day at our 2nd Sunday gathering! We’ll be watching Disney’s Encanto, and…

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Pilgrimage Spaces Filling Quickly!

Pilgrimage Spaces Filling Quickly! 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

View informational flyer here, with dates, estimated cost, and travel itinerary. Christ Church is planning a pilgrimage for May of 2023! We will be walking one of the great pilgrim…

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Living Beatitudes Community Hosts Lecture Series

Living Beatitudes Community Hosts Lecture Series 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Click Here to register or learn more.

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Women of the Word, Unit 2 begins Nov 27

Women of the Word, Unit 2 begins Nov 27 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

“Women of the Word” Unit 2 Sunday Adult Forum, Nov 27-Dec 18 at 9am With joyful anticipation, use of Dr. Wil Gafney’s A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church begins at the…

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New film explores Episcopal Church’s groundbreaking history of ethical investing

New film explores Episcopal Church’s groundbreaking history of ethical investing 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

A new documentary—first shown to The Episcopal Church Executive Council during its fall meeting—highlights the church’s pioneering efforts in conducting socially responsible investing more than a half-century ago. The Executive…

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“Faithful: God’s Story in Our Hearts” An Evening Gathering for Sisters & Siblings

“Faithful: God’s Story in Our Hearts” An Evening Gathering for Sisters & Siblings 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

December 1, 6pm Join us for an intimate evening gathering, off-site, with time for reflection on how God is writing a story on our hearts, and how we as a…

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Matriarchs Gallery: Telling The Stories of Faithful Women

Matriarchs Gallery: Telling The Stories of Faithful Women 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

This year as a community we are lifting up women, their stories, and their voices. We invite you to participate, by sharing the stories of great women of faith in…

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Christ Church Cathedral: Indigenous Peoples Day Weekend Celebrations Oct 8-9

Christ Church Cathedral: Indigenous Peoples Day Weekend Celebrations Oct 8-9 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

On October 8 and 9, Christ Church Cathedral’s Native American Council will offer a weekend of programming and worship that explores the nexus between Native American spirituality and Christianity. It begins on…

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Discerning a call to ordained ministry? Attend the Explorers’ Retreat

Discerning a call to ordained ministry? Attend the Explorers’ Retreat 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Are you discerning a call to ordained ministry? Do you want to explore further that pull you feel to be a deacon or priest? In our diocese, one enters discernment…

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Oct 8 & 9 “Deep Green Church” Foundations for Ecological Discipleship

Oct 8 & 9 “Deep Green Church” Foundations for Ecological Discipleship 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

On October 8 and 9, All Saints, New Albany will host a weekend event presented by Dr. Collin Cornell and the Rev. Jerry Cappel of the Center For Deep Green…

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“Centered” Circles hosted by DSO Becoming Beloved Community

“Centered” Circles hosted by DSO Becoming Beloved Community 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Centered is a discipleship series guiding small, gathered communities to get deeply rooted in love with God and one another, so that we grow to look, act, and love more…

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Sacred Conversations: Policing the Police

Sacred Conversations: Policing the Police 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Philip Stinson, JD, PhD, professor of criminal justice at Bowling Green State University, will be the speaker at the September meeting of Sacred Conversations taking place on Zoom September 13…

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2022 Christ Church Ministry Fair

2022 Christ Church Ministry Fair 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

We are excited to announce that we will be hosting a Ministry Fair at Christ Episcopal Church on September 18, 2022, from 9:00am to 10:15 and 11:45 to 12:30pm. Just…

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July 19: Post-Convention Webinar on the church’s Racial Justice & Reconciliation Ministries

July 19: Post-Convention Webinar on the church’s Racial Justice & Reconciliation Ministries 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Click Here to Register With the 80th General Convention behind us, we are very excited about the church’s work on racial justice and reconciliation ministries. Learn more at a webinar…

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St. Margaret’s Summer Arts Camp

St. Margaret’s Summer Arts Camp 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

A Multicultural Arts Program for Kids Grades 4th – 8th. Monday – Friday, July 18 – 22, 2022 In Person Workshops: “Creativity is Contagious. Pass it on.” (937)837-7741  Email –…

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New Dates! “The Politics of Jesus” Sunday Adult Forum

New Dates! “The Politics of Jesus” Sunday Adult Forum 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Series offered both in-person and online at 9 a.m., May 15, 22 and June 5. This series looks at the turbulent landscape of Judea, and in the life of Jesus.…

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Upcoming Sunday Adult Form: “The Politics of Jesus”

Upcoming Sunday Adult Form: “The Politics of Jesus” 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Series offered both in-person and online at 9 a.m., May 8, 15 & 22. This series looks at the turbulent landscape of Judea, and in the life of Jesus. Through…

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Save the Date! Christ Church goes to Family Camp

Save the Date! Christ Church goes to Family Camp 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Looking for a fun, hassle-free summer experience? Join families of all kinds from Christ Church in attending Family Camp at Procter Camp and Conference Center, July 6-9. Rev. Peter will…

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Kicking Off Black History Month at Christ Episcopal Church

Kicking Off Black History Month at Christ Episcopal Church 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

We are called, as followers of Jesus, to work for justice for all God’s Children. In recognition of Black History Month, February 1st, Christ Episcopal Church and the Living Beatitudes…

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Family Faith Night—December 18 “Open Homes and Open Hearts”

Family Faith Night—December 18 “Open Homes and Open Hearts” 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

This Advent as we prepare for the birth of Jesus, the Son of God, families are invited to make room in our homes and hearts for our savior. There will…

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January 2022 Daily Devotional Series

January 2022 Daily Devotional Series 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Christ Church and Living Beatitudes Community will be offering a 31-day devotional series using the book “Face to the Rising Sun: Reflections on Spirituals and Justice” by Mark Bozzuti-Jones. This…

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Final “Holy Remembering” Adult Forum & Story Sharing

Final “Holy Remembering” Adult Forum & Story Sharing 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Our final session of the Adult Forum Holy Remembering will be on October 31 at 9am in the Nave at Christ Church, and on Facebook Live. This series has focused…

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Día de los Muertos: Remembering, Celebrating, Praying

Día de los Muertos: Remembering, Celebrating, Praying 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Growing up along the Mexican-American border, the altar for the dead at our parish was a typical sight every fall, as a way to celebrate the lives of our loved…

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2021 Fall Programming – Dia de los Muertos

2021 Fall Programming – Dia de los Muertos 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Our Fall programming will explore the Mexican holiday, Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead. We’ll be exploring how we honor and celebrate our own loved ones in…

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Sacred Ground at Christ Church

Sacred Ground at Christ Church 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Sacred Ground is a film- and readings-based small group dialogue series on race and racism in America, grounded in faith; and is part of Becoming Beloved Community, the Episcopal Church’s long-term commitment to…

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Education for Ministry Registration

Education for Ministry Registration 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

This is the final week of registration for the Education for Ministry program. Seminar Sessions will start Sept. 19th meeting from 1:30 to 4PM at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church on Woodman Dr.,…

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Education for Ministry

Education for Ministry 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Deb Johns, the Mentor for the EfM program in Dayton, will share a message July 25th at the 8 & 10:30 AM services. EfM covers the Old Testament, New Testament,…

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First Baptist is holding a Vacation Bible School

First Baptist is holding a Vacation Bible School 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

First Baptist Church of Dayton, our close neighbor on Monument Street downtown, is hosting Vacation Bible School July 19-23 for children preK to Fifth grade. They’ll be exploring passages of…

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Morning Prayer 101 Class

Morning Prayer 101 Class 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Morning Prayer 101 Curious about Morning Prayer and what it takes to lead the service? Join us June 13 & 20 from 9:00-9:45 am as we explore the history of Morning Prayer and how the   service…

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New podcast from the Diocesan Formation Team

New podcast from the Diocesan Formation Team 150 150 Dayton Christ Episcopal Church

Check out “Forming,” a new podcast from the Diocesan Formation Team. Join them as they have conversations with guests on various topics related to our life of faith. New episodes are…

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