Take Them A Meal January 12, 2025 Sophia Fisher & Tom Robbins welcomed premature twin sons in late October. After a stay in the NICU, both babies are…
read moreHanging of The Greens December 22, 2024 The annual Hanging of the Greens will take place following the 10:30 service this Sunday. Help us “Deck the Halls” by staying after…
read moreWaffle Shop Volunteers Needed! Volunteers are needed to help set up for Waffle Shop on Sunday, November 17, following the 10:30am service, and for tear-down on Friday, November…
read more“Take, Eat” Serving Update November 2, 2024 Did you know a ministry team from Christ Church serves lunch monthly at the St. Vincent de Paul shelter downtown?…
read moreChrist Church is proud of Waffle Shop’s legacy of service to our community, and look forward to welcoming newcomers who feel called to join us in this annual effort. It…
read moreThe Fellowship Committee will be meeting October 20 after the 10:30 service in the Parlor. If you are interested in planning activities to bring our church community together, you are most…
read moreThe Christ Church Nominating Committee invites parishioners to consider running for elected office within our parish. There are open positions for Vestry, Endowment Committee, and Delegates for Diocesan Convention. If…
read moreChrist Church has supported the Blue Star Mothers for many years with contributions of items to be sent to our deployed troops. It is time to help fill Christmas stockings…
read moreDid you know that in Montgomery County, more than 66,000 people are food insecure, according to the latest Feeding America data. 22,000 of those are children. Our parish is committed…
read moreDid you know a ministry team from Christ Church serves lunch monthly at the St. Vincent de Paul shelter downtown? Our Take, Eat ministry serves on the first Saturday of…
read moreWaffle Shop is coming…. Waffle Shop is an annual 4-day event in November at Christ Church where we raise funds through sales from serving daily lunch & baked goods. Funds…
read moreNominations are now open for leadership positions that will be elected by diocesan convention in November. As we continue developing a shared mission, we need the participation of leaders who are…
read moreCityHeart is committed to serving the urgent needs of the homeless, low-income and marginalized in our community. We are now recruiting a new class of direct service volunteers! The primary…
read moreHelp us put our “best face forward” and volunteer at the courtyard cleanup on Saturday, June 15 from 10am-12pm. Volunteers will help trim ivy, deadhead flowers, paint benches, and other…
read more“Take, Eat” is our ministry to the St Vincent de Paul Homeless Shelters in Dayton, Ohio. Each month on the first Saturday, we provide the food supplies to prepare lunch…
read moreYou are invited to come to Canterbury Court on May 24th from 9:00-11:00. Volunteers will be planting flowers to attract butterflies in the garden. The residents really enjoy and appreciate…
read moreThe Dayton-area Episcopal churches will be marching in the Pride Parade and hosting a booth at Dayton’s Pride Festival on June 1. If you’re interested in volunteering at the booth…
read moreHelp us put our “best face forward” and volunteer at the courtyard cleanup on Saturday, May 11 from 10am-12pm. Volunteers will help trim bushes, deadhead flowers, paint benches, and other…
read moreWe are so happy to announce our new partnership with Have A Gay Day! Keep reading to learn more about how we can address hunger & food insecurity in Dayton …
read moreThis weekend our servers, Penny, Greg, Kris, Tom, Terry, and Neal served lunch to about 125 of our brothers and sisters who are residents of the St Vincent de Paul…
read moreSt. Vincent de Paul is looking for volunteer assistance with recreational activities for the children during spring break Sunday March 24 to Wednesday, March 27. Activities will include sports, games,…
read moreThe 81st General Convention will be held on June 23 in Louisville, KY. Did you know the General Convention of the Episcopal Church is the largest legislative body outside of…
read moreCanterbury Court, an ERS residence in West Carrollton, is in need of a volunteer Leader for their Resident Craft Class. As the leader, you will create the craft project, buy…
read moreDayton Public’s elementary school, River’s Edge Montessori, is running a food drive to collect nonperishable food for the families. This food will go home with students over winter break to…
read moreWe are thrilled to host our annual fundraising event next month, opening our church to the community for 4 days of good food & hospitality, with a much anticipated return…
read moreCoffee Hour is a weekly time of fellowship that takes place after the 10:30 worship service on Sundays, hosted by parishioners. This is a meaningful time for us to enjoy…
read moreThe Worship Committee meets quarterly, working to bring meaningful worship experiences to our parish and community at large. We invite anyone who is curious and interested in planning our liturgy…
read moreWaffle Shop is a 4-day fundraising event held annually in November at Christ Church. Through the sale waffle & sausage lunches (and more!) Christ Church raises funds for mission. 100%…
read moreOne form of outreach at Christ Church is our involvement with a local chapter of the Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. Blue Star Mothers send care packages weekly to…
read moreAre you passionate about social justice issues and have a desire to gather withothers at Christ Church to engage in advocacy, encourage parish involvement, and discern how Christ Church participates…
read moreVolunteers and baked goods are needed for Waffle Shop, coming up in November. Interested persons can contact Georgette Walker for more information, at georgette_bates@yahoo.com
read moreCanterbury Court is an ERS (Episcopal Retirement Services) affordable living community in West Carrollton. The residents are planning a jewelry sale to raise money for the Residents Activity Fund. Do…
read moreMany hands make light work! Taking care of our church building & grounds couldn’t be done without the help of our parishioners. We’re asking for volunteers to assist us with…
read moreInterested in working children and youth? Spark Family Programs is looking for Nursery Caregivers, Sunday School Teachers, Youth Group Leaders, and Godly Play storytellers. Would you rather support the programs…
read moreWould you be interested in co-chairing our in-person, dining room portion of Waffle Shop? Talk to the Waffle Shop Chair, Terry Murray, if you’re interested or curious to learn more.…
read moreDayton Pride Parade & Festival is this Sunday, June 3 and we are excited to celebrate all the beauty and love that God showers on us! Please read below for…
read moreCome and join us on May 24th from 1:00-3:00pm and help make the Butterfly Garden a beautiful area for the residents of Canterbury Ct. to enjoy! Bring a plant or…
read moreMany hands make light work! Taking care of our church building & grounds couldn’t be done without the help of our parishioners. We’re asking for volunteers to assist us with…
read moreIf you enjoy doing handiwork or would like to learn, you may want to consider joining Canterbury Court’s Loops & Stitches group. They meet on Wednesday afternoons from 3:00-5:00PM. The…
read moreVolunteers Needed – Saturday, May 13 at 10am The Spirit is moving here at Christ Church, and we need your help to prepare our 2nd Floor hallway and classrooms so…
read moreThe Dayton-area Episcopal churches will be marching in the Pride Parade and hosting a booth at Dayton’s Pride Festival on June 3. If you’re interested in volunteering at the booth…
read moreOn the first Saturday of each month our Take, Eat ministry serves lunch to women, families and couples at the St. Vincent shelter downtown. Volunteers are still needed for serving…
read moreOur “Take, Eat” ministry will be serving lunch to the single-women, couples, and families at the St Vincent Shelter on Apple Street on Saturday, April 1st. Lunch is served from…
read moreEager to engage in some hands‐on volunteering? Join Christ Church on April 29, 8:30am‐12:30pm for National Rebuilding Day with Rebuilding Together Dayton. We’ll be helping with neighborhood cleanup projects in…
read moreWe would appreciate any volunteers who are willing and able to assist following the 10:30 service in taking down the Christmas decorations and storing them for next year.
read moreInterested in becoming an Usher, or curious to learn more about this ministry? Join us on either date for a brief informational and training session in the Nave following the…
read moreVolunteers are needed to help set up the Parish Hall on Saturday, November 12 from 10am-1pm for Wafle Shop. Tasks include stocking the refridgerator, laying floor coverings, and setting up…
read moreHungry to be fed? “Waffle Shop To-Go” returns as a carry-out event again this year, offered Tuesday – Friday of November 15 – 18. Announcement to the general public will…
read moreDid you know that our Take, Eat ministry serves a monthly meal at the St. Vincent de Paul shelter for women and families? Providing and serving a delicous meal monthly…
read moreWe are excited to announce that we will be hosting a Ministry Fair at Christ Episcopal Church on September 18, 2022, from 9:00am to 10:15 and 11:45 to 12:30pm. Just…
read moreWaffle Shop leaders, volunteers and interested persons are invited to attend a preliminary Waffle Shop planning meeting on Sunday, June 19 at 9am in the Parish Hall. Meeting Objectives: identifying…
read moreThe Reopening Committee is charged with monitoring the Dayton region Covid-19 situation, and making safe gathering recommendations to the Rector and Vestry. We are looking for a volunteer with medical/public health/scientific…
read moreA team of Christ Church volunteers are organizing for our community to support Ukrainian refugees. At our first meeting we settled on working with Matthew 25 Ministries, a SE Ohio…
read moreEager to engage in some hands-on volunteering? Join Christ Church on April 30, 8:30am-12:30pm for National Rebuilding Day with Rebuilding Together Dayton. We’ll be helping with neighborhood cleanup projects in…
read moreCanterbury Court, the HUD sponsored Sr, Living community located in West Carrollton (Owned and operated by Episcopal Retirement Services) is having a Bake Sale in December. If you can donate…
read moreHaving Vestry approval, plans are progressing to offer a limited in scope Waffle Shop 2021 event as Carry Out lunch only, offered Tuesday – Friday of November 16 – 19. Our…
read moreWaffle Shop 2021 planning is underway!The 2021 event will be limited in scope to a Carry-Out lunch offered Tuesday — Friday, November 16-19. With the safety of all in mind,…
read moreLooking to serve the community? There are new dates available for helping with the Feeding Ministry! To sign up, click this link. If you have any questions, contact Gary Kuziensky at gkuziensky@gmail.com…
read moreThe Covid-19 pandemic continues to introduce uncertainty for holding in-person events, this is being monitored and considered. A decision to offer (or not) a 2021 Waffle Shop will be made…
read moreSo they said to him, “What sign are you going to give us then, so that we may see it and believe you? What work are you performing? Our ancestors ate…
read moreAre you free to help out on one or more Mondays this summer from 11:30 to 1:00? On Mondays while Emily is on maternity leave (now through September 6) the…
read moreWhile our Parish Administrator is on maternity leave we are in need of volunteers to lead morning prayer on Facebook Live Mondays at 9am. As the schedule stands there will…
read moreHave you ever wondered who sets the Lord’s Table? Every week, members of the Altar Guild prepare the altar for worship, setting out bread and wine, filling candles, and tidying…
read moreBeginning Monday, June 28, Morning Prayer will resume a 5-day schedule on Facebook Live. We are still looking for lay volunteer leaders for morning prayer. If you are interested in…
read moreSign up to help with Coffee Hour! Indoor Coffee Hour will resume beginning Sunday July 4. Please use the sign-up sheet in the Parish Hall to volunteer to provide Coffee…
read moreAre you free to help out on one or more Mondays this summer from 11:30 to 1:00? For the next 12 Mondays (June 21-September 6) the church office will be…
read moreLearn with us as we navigate the mysteries of live streaming, microphones, cameras, recordings, and all the related skills we need to become adept at 21st Century live-streaming worship. Email…
read moreChrist Church will be returning to our long-time ministry of serving food in person at both St. Vincent de Paul Gateway shelters in Dayton starting in July. Shelter for Women and…
read moreYou can help care for parishioner Monica N. by going to the Meal Train website and signing up to take her a meal on any of the open dates on her…
read more